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El Viejo y el Mar Hotel
El Viejo y el Mar Hotel
Marina Hemingway, Havana City
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  Ernest Hemingway and Fidel

  That historical encounter between Ernest Hemingway and Fidel Castro took place on Sunday, May 15th, 1960. A hands-shaking united these two people who already admired one another before they met. It was the tenth occasion in which a marlin fishing tournament was carried out with the famous American writer's name and the ones in charge of the contest made the pertinent coordinations to make possible such significant moment. Hemingway went to the appointment with his Pilar; Fidel made it on board of 'El Cristal' and he was accompanied by Ernesto Che Guevara. The pretext could not be better, because it consisted in having both participating in the chasing after marlins, 'casteros', and golden. Eight hours of competition were enough so that the Chief of the Cuban Revolution, without putting away his fishing -rod and spool, was erected as the maximum individual accumulator. Somebody close to the author of "The Old Man and the Sea" commented that Ernest, when giving the trophy to Fidel told him: "Perhaps you are a beginner in the fishing, but he is already a lucky fisherman." The man that used to dress a 'guayabera' (a pleated, buttoned men's shirt) with short pants never hid his admiration for the process that began to forge in Cuba during the first years of the 60's oin the last century. "After so much time in this country, I consider myself a true Cuban", he said. "I never saw something as wonderful as "The Old man and the Sea", Fidel has commented, a man for whom Hemingway's plays were like sources of historical and geographical knowledge. He also asserted that "For Whom the Bells tolls?" had a great influence in one stage of his life as he looked for a way out to the complicated situation in the Island. He sentenced that Cuba doesn't deserve any gratefulness for the work carried out in the preservation of the existent documentation in 'La Vigía' (Museo Hemingway- Hemingway Museum); because not having done it would be a lack of culture.

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